Derneğimiz yönetim kurulu tarafından alınan karar ve yapılan ödemeye bağlı olarak “Avrupa Spor Psikolojisi Federasyonu FEPSAC” üyeliğimiz yenilendi. FEPSAC’tan gelen onay mektubu ve üyelerimize yönelik yapılacak uygulamalar aşağıda belirtilmiştir.
Dear Turgay,
on behalf of the Managing Council of FEPSAC I confirm that you have paid the group membership of 150 Euros for the years 2016 & 2017. We thank you for the support of FEPSAC and would like to remind you about the benefits you will now have:.
- Your members are entitled to reduced fees for the FEPSAC individual membership fee as well as for BASES-FEPSAC Conference in November 2017
- Your group will have the right to participate in the yearly General Assembly (took already place in March 2017)
- You can send us information which we share with our community in our Newsletter in the FEPSAC journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise (PSE)
- You will receive a monthly Newsflash including information from FEPSAC, upcoming conference, latest vacancies and an overview of the articles published in PSE
- You and your own members can send us info ( which we post on our FEPSAC notice board ( and in our social media (Facebook & Twitter)
- Your group can submit candidates for the FEPSAC Honorary Membership and Ema Geron awards (relevant for the next Congress 2019 in Münster)
We look forward to keep working for and with you as a FEPSAC group member and to seeing you and your members at different occasions in the future! Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.
Kind regards,